Vocational School Enrollment Agreement

Enrollment Agreement:

Washington Care Academy

Address: 12910 SE 273rd ST Kent, WA 98030

Email: washingtoncareacademy@gmail.com

Phone number: (206) 306-6588

This enrollment agreement is between the above named school and:


The school agrees to provide the following training: Home Care Aide Training (HCA):

HCA Course Complete (Orientation & Safety w/Dementia, Mental Health Specialty training and 2 days skills class. 



Complete 75 hour Home Care Aide Training (HCA) – 75 Hours








This agreement will be binding only when it has been fully completed, signed, and dated by the student and an authorized representative of the school prior to the time instruction begins.



Any changes in the agreement will not be binding on either the student or the school unless such changes are acknowledged in writing by an authorized representative of the school and by the student, or student’s parent or guardian if he/she is a minor.

Skills Training Location:

We have partnered with three community instructors' skills locations where students will complete their hands-on, in-person skills training. The availability of skills training days will be posted online once students reach the skills section. Skills training is held at least once per month giving students plenty of opportunity for selections. 

  1. Caregiver For Hire USA: 33301 1st Way S Unit C- 260, Federal Way, WA 98003
  2. Conclave Healthcare Training: 3022 E 57th Ave #17 Essex,  Spokane, WA 99223
  3. Higher Living Healthcare Training: 4609 NE 115th St, VancouverWA, USA.



(a) A student may request cancellation in any manner and upon such request for cancellation being received and recorded by the school demonstrating the last date of attendance and/or completion of a lesson.

(b) The following is a minimum refund policy for distance education courses without mandatory resident training:

  • (i) An applicant may cancel up to five business days after signing the enrollment agreement. In the event of a dispute over timely notice, the burden to prove service rests on the student.
  • (ii) If a student cancels after the fifth calendar day (excluding Sundays and holidays) but before the school receives the first completed lesson, the school may keep only a registration fee of either fifty dollars or an amount equal to fifteen percent of the tuition, but no greater than a registration fee of one hundred fifty dollars.
  • (iii) After the school receives the student's first completed lesson and until the student completes half the total number of lessons in the program, the school is entitled to keep the registration fee and a percentage of the total tuition as described in the following table:


If the student completes this percentage of lessons:

School may keep this percentage of tuition:

0% through 10%


11% through 25%


26% through 50%


More than 50%


If the student completes this percentage of lessons:

  • (iv) Calculate the amount of the course completed by dividing the number of lesson assignments contained in the program by the number of completed lessons received from the student.


Entrance/Admission Requirements

Students must possess a High School Diploma, a General Education Development (GED) Diploma. Students must pass DSHS background check in order to receive license. For more information go to https://www.doh.wa.gov/LicensesPermitsandCertificates/ProfessionsNewReneworUpdate/HomeCareAide/LicenseRequirements



Do not sign this agreement before you read it or if it contains any blank spaces. This is a legal instrument. All pages of this contract are binding. Read all pages before signing. You are entitled to an exact copy of the agreement, school catalog, and any other papers you may sign, and are required to sign a statement acknowledging receipt of those.



If you have not started training, you may cancel this contract by submitting written notice of such cancellation to the school at its address shown on the contract. The notice must be postmarked no later than midnight of the fifth business day (excluding Sundays and holidays) following your signing this contract; the written notice may also be personally or otherwise delivered to the school within that time. In event of dispute over timely notice, the burden to prove service rests on the applicant.



It is an unfair business practice for the school to sell, discount, or otherwise transfer this contract or promissory note without the signed written consent of the student or his/her financial sponsors if he/she is a minor, and a written statement notifying all parties that the cancellation and refund policy continues to apply.



I certify that I read and understand the cancellation and refund policy and the complaint procedure (located later in this document); and upon request I am entitled to an exact copy of this enrollment agreement, school catalog, and any other papers I sign.



Authorized School Representative :

Name: Faduma Mursal, RN, BSN:

Title: Director of Training

Email: washingtoncareacademy@gmail.com

Phone Number: 206-306-6588


This school is licensed under Chapter 28C.10 RCW.  Inquiries or complaints regarding this private vocational school may be made to the:

Workforce Board, 128 – 10th Ave. SW, Box 43105, Olympia, Washington  98504

Web: wtb.wa.gov

Phone: 360-753-5662

E-Mail Address: workforce@wtb.wa.gov



Washington law requires the following information to be supplied to each student enrolling in a private vocational school licensed under Chapter 28C.10 RCW. One copy of this notice bearing original signatures must be attached by the school as addenda to that individual’s enrollment agreement, as well as a copy provided to the enrollee by the school.



  1. I understand and accept that any contract for training I enter into with the above named school contains legally binding obligations and responsibilities.


  1. I understand and accept that repayment obligations will be placed upon me by any loans or other financing arrangements I enter into as a means to pay for my training.


  1. I understand that any enrollment contract I enter into will not be binding or take effect for at least five days, excluding Sundays and holidays, following the last date such a contract is signed by the school and me, provided that I have not entered classes.




Prior to being enrolled in this school, the applicant whose name appears above has been made aware of the legal obligations he/she takes on by entering into a contract for training. Those discussions included cautions by the school about acquiring an excessive debt burden that might become difficult to repay given employment opportunities and average starting salaries in his/her chosen occupation.

Authorized School Representative:

As the authorized representative of the school, I hereby agree to the conditions set forth herein.

Name: Faduma Mursal, RN, BSN:

Title: Director of Training

Email: washingtoncareacademy@gmail.com

Phone Number: 206-306-6588



Washington law requires private vocational schools to inform students how to file a complaint. By signing this form you acknowledge this process has been explained to you. Below are the next steps the school must take in discussing this policy with you, along with information about the complaint process.


Discussion about complaint policy: First Steps
Before you file a complaint, you should make a good faith effort to resolve the problem by:

  • Communicating directly with school officials.
  • Using the school's internal grievance or complaint process.
  • Bringing your problem to the attention of the school director, president or chief administrator.
  • Keeping notes of these efforts, as the complaint form will ask you to detail those contacts.


This school is licensed under Chapter 28C.10 RCW. Inquiries or complaints regarding this private vocational school may be made to:


Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board

128 – 10th Avenue Southwest

Olympia, Washington 98504





  1. The school has described the grievance and/or complaint policy to me.
  2. I understand that the policy can also be found in the school catalog.
  3. I know I should first try to resolve a complaint or concern with my instructor or school administrator.
  4. I understand nothing prevents me from contacting the Workforce Board at 360-709-4600 at any time with a concern or complaint, and complaint forms are: http://wtb.wa.gov/PCS_Complaints.asp.
  5. I understand that I have one year to file a complaint from my last date of attendance.
  6. I further understand that in the event of a school closure, I have 60 days to file a complaint.
  7. I also understand that complaints are public records.
  8. Finally, I acknowledge that details about the complaint process, my rights, and any restrictions on the time I have to file a complaint can be found at http://wtb.wa.gov/PCS_Complaints.asp



I acknowledge that details about the complaint process, my rights, and any restrictions on the time I have to file a complaint can be found at http://wtb.wa.gov/PCS_Complaints.asp




Prior to being enrolled in this school, the applicant, whose name and signature appear below, has been made aware of the school’s complaint policy.

Authorized School Representative :

Name: Faduma Mursal, RN, BSN:

Title: Director of Training

Email: washingtoncareacademy@gmail.com

Phone Number: 206-306-6588


Your acceptance of these terms

By using this website, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our site. Your continued use of the site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

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Signature arrow sign here

Signed by Faduma Mursal ( Director of Training Washington Care Academy)
Signed On: August 30, 2024

Signature Certificate
Document name: Vocational School Enrollment Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 810aad1db6f0b1476a201879bc1a782c9b09bb81
Timestamp Audit
November 10, 2019 6:45 pm PDTVocational School Enrollment Agreement Uploaded by Faduma Mursal ( Director of Training Washington Care Academy) - washingtoncareacademy@gmail.com IP